the path to growth

Ishma provides individual and relationship psychotherapy and counselling for adults from the age of 21 years upward, for a range of issues.

These services are provided in-person or online (Telehealth)

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trauma & abuse

Ishma works with clients who are struggling with trauma, from either childhood or more recent factors, including intimate partner abuse, family violence, and sexual assault. She helps clients address trauma, including Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD), Trauma Reaction, and Complex PTSD and the impact of these events on their quality of life.

anxiety disorders

Ishma works with clients who struggle with Anxiety Disorders such as Generalised Anxiety Disorder, Social Anxiety Disorder, Panic Disorder, and Unspecified Anxiety Disorder. She is committed to facilitating positive change collaboratively to reduce the impact that anxiety can have on her clients' everyday lives.

relationship therapy

Ishma's areas of interest include working with clients on relationships, whether individually or within different relationship structures, such as monogamous, polyamorous, and non-monogamous models. She provides support with transitions, such as conscious uncoupling, shifting from monogamy to non-monogamy, and negotiating polyamory and swinging/sexual play. Additionally, Ishma assists relationships with a range of issues, from conflict resolution to communication and from intimacy to sexual health. 

psychosexual therapy

Ishma offers individual counselling on intimacy, sexual wellbeing, navigating and discovering sexual pleasure, addressing areas including kink, BDSM and sexual empowerment. She also offers coaching and counselling on awareness of enthusiastic sexual consent. 

Ishma offers counselling to address specific sexual issues, including anorgasmia, erectile disorder, premature ejaculation, sexual arousal, paraphilias, orgasm and arousal difficulties.

She is currently working toward her accreditation as a Sex Therapist with the Society of Australian Sexologists.

eating disorders

Ishma works with clients who have disordered eating and eating disorders, including Binge Eating Disorder, Bulimia Nervosa, Anorexia Nervosa, and Other Specified Feeding or Eating Disorders. She works collaboratively with clients and other clinicians on their health team to ensure consistent care.

other concerns

Ishma provides counselling and support for clients with concerns related to phase-of-life problems, work stress, loneliness, and acculturation challenges.


Ishma is a Psychology Board Approved Supervisor, with experience in provision of supervision for Provisional Psychologists as well as students in their 5th year of study. Her supervision is led by AHPRA competencies and APS recommendations. 

Her understanding of supervision and the intersection of that with necessary competencies is further reinforced by her experience in developing and running both Internship Programs (6th and final year of training, which is supervised practice) and Placement Programs (for students in their 5th year of study). 

Ishma brings her humour, reflective practice, and an understanding of the didactic to her supervision, as well as her years of experience and training in the field. 

Corporate Services

In 2020, Ishma co-founded The Consent Blueprints, a company that provides consent education in the workspace, delivering a set of services and programs that aim to unpack and deprogram unhealthy and harmful understandings around consent. 

The Consent Blueprints aim to rebuild a holistic understanding of the theory and practice of consent in the context of the workplace, that is training and education around sexual harassment and safety in the workplace. 

The program offered have been developed to address gaps in mainstream understandings and implementations of practical sexual harassment and assault policies in hospitality venues and for hospitality-based relationships. 

It is based on behavioural science, gender dynamics, and the interactions therein in the context of the hospitality space. We have also drawn upon best practice guidelines from Sexual Harassment and Safety in the Workplace guidelines developed by The Ministry for Women, a department in New Zealand’s federal government and have supported the program using data from robust research including studies conducted by the Australian Human Rights Commission. 


The program is delivered in training modules, which can be used individually or in combination, based on the needs of the workspace and organisation. These include

  • This module covers the development and/or review the business’ existing SHSW policy and identifies:

    1. Operational definition and functional criteria for SHSW.

    2. Need for and function of a SHSW Policy and Procedure Guideline

  • Development of SHSW policy and procedure, designed to sit within any existing OH&S policy and intersect with the business Code of Ethics


    A review and refinement of an existing policy, to ensure it is abreast of the growing understanding of SHSW and its impact.

  • This module covers the training and education of staff and would focus on:

    1. A complete knowledge and understanding of SHSW policy and procedure, the reasons for its presence and its function, as well as how to access it and implement it day-to-day.

    2. Preventative and responsive measures, in situ and broadly, including

      • Knowledge of rights and boundaries that protect them, having the names to identify and articulate behaviour that falls within workplace sexual harassment. 

      • Managing safety in the different workspaces

      • Reporting with safety, with the knowledge that reporting will not infringe upon existing policy (such as non-disclosure), will not elicit explicit or implicit punitive measures and that retaliatory behaviour will not be tolerated.

      • Processes following reporting and basis for the same. 

Supportive Material 

These are additional resources that supplement the training and education and supports the SHSW Policy and Procedure Guidelines and include

  1. Pathways for reporting externally

  2. External sources of support and information 

Fees are dependent on the tailored package. Email enquiries to


Running a psychology practice—whether you're a solo practitioner or managing a larger team—can be immensely rewarding. But with that fulfillment comes the challenge of maintaining the rigging and infrastructure that keep your practice running smoothly and effectively.


Ishma Alvi Psychology’s 1:1 consultancy service are here to support you. We help you craft and implement the essential policies and procedures that serve as the backbone of your practice. Our goal is to ensure that you and your team are guided by best practice principles, delivering top-quality care, safeguarding client wellbeing, and operating with confidence and compliance.

What We Offer:

• Policy Development: Establish the essential policies that ensure the safe, compliant, and efficient operation of your practice.

• Client Journey Management: Implement practices that optimize treatment journeys, fostering the best possible outcomes for your clients.

• System Optimization: Develop systems for effective calendar management, client retention, and overall operational efficiency.

• Risk Management: Gain the understanding necessary to identify, mitigate, and manage risks, ensuring your practice operates within the scope of competency, professional standards, and safety.


Why Choose Us?

• Tailored Support: Our consultancy is personalized to your specific needs, whether you're just starting out or refining an established practice.

• Peace of Mind: With our guidance, you can feel secure in knowing your practice is built on solid, compliant foundations, allowing you to focus on what you do best; caring for your clients.

• Backed by Experience: With over 15 years of experience in the mental health field, team leadership and governance, we help you navigate the complexities of practice management with ease.

Fees are dependent on the tailored consultancy hours. Email for enquiries.


Bridging the Gap in Private Practice: Training with Ishma

Running a psychology private practice can sometimes feel like navigating uncharted waters—isolating and overwhelming. Beyond the challenges of accessing ready clinical support, supervision, and debriefing, it’s easy to feel cut off from the latest best practice guidelines that ensure the highest quality of care. 

This is where Ishma’s training comes in. Our tailored training modules are designed to fill those gaps, whether you're looking for personalized 1:1 sessions that target specific areas of your expertise or team-wide training to establish a consistent standard of best practice across your clinic.

What We Offer: 

• 1:1 Targeted Training: Perfect for addressing potential knowledge gaps, even those you might not realize exist. These sessions are customized to your needs, ensuring you stay at the forefront of compliant, best-practice care. 

• Team Training: Create a unified approach to best practices within your team. Our interactive modules ensure everyone is on the same page, delivering top-notch care that adheres to the latest guidelines. 

  • Why Choose Us? Our training is not just informative—it’s transformative. Each module is designed to develop understanding and skills in areas critical to the delivery of compliant, best-practice care. With interactive resources, ample time for reflection, and engaging Q&A sessions, you and your team will gain clarity and confidence in applying what you learn.


Training Modules: 

Module 1: Medicare Training.

Module 2: Record Keeping and Note Taking: Legal, Compliant, and Competent.

Module 3: Risk Assessment and Management.

Module 4: Retention Practices.

Module 5: Security, Confidentiality and Consent.


Fees are dependent on the tailored package. Email for enquiries.

the path to growth begins with a single step


  • Each session runs for 50-51 minutes and the fee for a session is $230, for which there is a rebate of $93.35 for up to 10 sessions, if there is a MHCP and up to $84.80 if there is an EDCP. 

  • These sessions run for 50-51 minutes and have a fee of $250 per session. Do note, there is no rebate available for these sessions under Medicare.

  • These sessions run for 90-minutes, which can be helpful for complex issues and carry a fee of $450 per session. 

  • Each supervision session runs for an hour and the fee is $220 ($200 + GST)

  • On request.

Ishma Alvi Psychology is a private practice and does not offer bulk billing or Third Party cover including TAC, Work Cover and DVA